Friday, September 3, 2010

Diapers - cloth diapers vs disposable diapers

Which is Best?

The debate between which type of diaper is best is not an easy question to answer. The reusable cloth diaper isn’t what it used to be. Some cloth diapers now have double or triple layers and a multiply, fiber-filled strip, making them more absorbent than older styles. Some styles of cloth diapers now come with Velcro strips, eliminating the need for those large safety pins. You can launder them at home or turn the job over to a diaper service.

What is Diaper?

A diaper (in North America) or nappy (in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and many Commonwealth countries) is a sponge-like garment worn by individuals who are incapable of controlling their bladder or bowel movements, or are unable or unwilling to use a toilet. When diapers become full and can no longer hold any more waste, they require changing; this process is often performed by a secondary person such as a parent or caregiver. Failure to change a diaper on a regular enough basis can result in diaper rash.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Cute Bundle for Kids even Babies adalah merupakan blog niaga kendalian HNH Biz Enterprise yang menjual pakaian terpakai dari Singapore, Australia dan Jepun. Harga yang ditawarkan bermula dari RM3 sehelai dan ada juga pakaian dijual dengan harga RM7 sepasang.

Welcome | Selamat Datang - blog HNH Biz Enterprise

Salam Sejahtera;
terima kasih kerana mengunjungi blog ini. Blog ini merupakan satu platform untuk menyebarkan aktiviti dan juga kegiatan perniagaan HNH Biz Enterprise. HNH Biz Enterprise ditubuhkan pada 24 Ogos 2010 oleh hasrulnazim hassan ( Syarikat ini menguruskan dan mengendalikan 2 blog niaga iaitu Cloth Baby Diapers ( serta Cute Bundle ( Ia juga mengendalikan satu blog informatif mengenai buku secara affliasi (

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Istimewa - Pakej CD


Ramai masih lagi tidak tahu jumlah yang patut dibeli untuk pemakaian baby mereka. Produk ini bukan lagi baru di negara ini, namun masih ramai yang tidak mengetahui mengenainya. Pemakaian lampin moden ini kini semakin digemari terutama kepada mereka yang mementingkan penjimatan jangka masa panjang.

Oleh kerana itu, kami memperkenalkan jualan pakej untuk para pengunjung blog kami.

Pakej Pengenalan Penggunaan Baby Cloth Diapers
2 set cloth diapers (termasuk 4 inlets/inserts) - RM50.00 sahaja (JIMAT RM6!)

Pakej Surirumah
5 set cloth diapers (termasuk 10 inlets/inserts) - RM125.00 sahaja (JIMAT RM15!)

Pakej Keluarga Moden
10 set cloth diapers (termasuk 20 inlets/inserts) - RM250.00 sahaja (JIMAT RM30! + voucer pembelian di Cute Bundle4Kids)

Rebut peluang ini sekarang .... buat tempahan anda, dan berjimat!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cloth Diapers Are Every Bit As Convenient As Disposable Diapers

The options available today prove that cloth diapering doesn't have to be inconvenient. Cloth diapers nowadays are fitted with elastic in the legs and back area and have easy hook and loop closures or snaps. Many different fabric choices and absorbency levels allow parents to choose the best diapering system for the individual needs of their child. It just can't get any easier. There is no time like the present to make a firm commitment to your child, to your pocket book, and to your planet. Start using cloth diapers today!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cloth Diapers Are Better For The Environment

According to the Sustainability Institute, eighty percent of the diaperings in the United States are done with disposables. That comes to 18 BILLION diapers a year, just in the U.S. alone! These throw-away diapers require thousands of tons of plastic and hundreds of thousands of trees to manufacture. After a few hours of active service, these used diapers are trucked away, primarily to landfills, where they sit as neatly wrapped packages of excrement, entombed or mummified, undegraded for several hundred years. The idea of a "disposable" diaper is a myth; the ramifications of which will stay with us for centuries to come. They are the third largest single product in the waste stream behind newspapers and beverage containers. The urine and feces in disposable diapers enter landfills untreated, possibly contaminating the ground water supply. When you consider the unnecessary depletion of our valuable forests, the huge volume of garbage created, the toxic air and water pollution, and the potential health risks to children, it is very difficult to comprehend how washing and reusing cloth diapers could ever be considered an inconvenience. They are a rewarding investment all around - a financial investment, an investment in our children’s health, and an investment in our planet.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cloth Diapers Are Healthier For Your Baby

What should be of serious concern to all parents are the toxic chemicals present in disposable diapers. Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, skin diseases, and genetic damage, is a by-product of the paper-bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers. Trace quantities may even exist in the diapers themselves! Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of cancer related chemicals. Disposable diapers contain Tributyl-tin (TBT) - a toxic pollutant known to cause hormonal problems in humans and animals. Disposable diapers also contain sodium polyacrylate. If you have ever seen the gel-like, super absorbant crystals in a disposable, then you have seen this first hand. Sodium polyacrylate is the same substance that was removed from tampons because of its link to toxic shock syndrome. No studies have been done on the long-term effects of this chemical being in contact with a baby's reproductive organs 24 hours a day for upwards of two years. Studies have also been done to show that the chemical emissions from disposable diapers can cause respiratory problems in children. Cloth diapers, on the other hand, are free of the many chemicals contained in disposable diapers.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cloth Baby Diapers - Cheaper than Disposable Diapers

As a general rule, it is almost always cheaper to reuse than to buy new every time. This is no different with cloth diapers. Most parents go through 6 to 8 thousand diapers per child, from birth to about age three. If we take an average of what those diapers cost, that equates to between 2000 and 3000 dollars per baby. Once those children are potty trained those diapers are gone. They can’t be re-used. So a significant chunk of our hard earned money has gone to buying what is essentially garbage. In comparison, enough cloth diapers to last for three years will usually cost between 3 to 8 hundred dollars. At a minimum that is about a 1200 dollar savings.

But wait! Consider, too, that those cloth diapers may last for one or more successive children and your savings doubles and even triples. Of course, it is difficult to make any hard and fast statements in this regard because of the varying costs of diapers, electricity, water, and detergents. Yes, cloth diapers will usually mean an extra one to three loads of laundry a week, but if everyone were to weigh the extra costs of their electricity, water usage, and detergent, I think they would be pleasantly surprised. These costs are infinitesimal compared to the cost of expensive disposable diapers.

source: babyland

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Penjagaan CD

  1. Sebelum menggunakan lampin kain buat pertama kali, diaper dan insert perlu dibasuh beberapa kali (minimum - 4 kali) tanpa sabun untuk memastikan kebersihannya dan meningkatkan daya serap inserts. Ianya boleh dibasuh menggunakan mesin basuh.
  2. Setelah kering, masukkan inserts ke dalam bahagian pocket diaper dengan kemas. Jumlah penggunaan insert bergantung kepada keperluan anak masing-masing. Pastikan insert tersebut diratakan dengan baik.
  3. Sekiranya bayi poo poo, buang najis ke dalam lubang/mangkuk tandas dan basuh diaper serta insert menggunakan air untuk membuang kesan najis. Bilas kedua-duanya, perah dan masukkan ke dalam baldi kering (dry pail).
  4. Sekiranya bayi kencing, bilas untuk mebuang air kencing, perah dan masukkan ke dalam baldi kering.
  5. Apabila diaper di dalam baldi kering telah mencapai jumlah yang diperlukan untuk basuhan (terpulang kepada masing-masing), masukkan ke dalam mesin basuh dan basuh seperti biasa.
  6. Pastikan sabun yang digunakan tidak mengandungi pelembut ataupun ejen pemutih. Penggunaan sabun mandi juga adalah amat tidak digalakkan.
  7. Selepas dibasuh, diaper dan inserts boleh dijemur di dalam rumah (paling baik di ruang khas yang tidak terbuka) atau di luar rumah (di bawah matahari). Diaper akan megambil masa dalam setengah hari untuk kering manakala inserts akan mengambil masa labih lama, lebih kurang seharian untuk betul-betul kering.
Jadi, mengapa tidak mencuba CD bagi bayi anda? Lamping pakai buang dah naik harga .. jadi bertindaklah sekarang. HARGA KAMI ADALAH YANG TERMURAH DALAM TALIAN!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cara Menjaga 'Cloth Diapers' Anak Anda

  1. Tidak perlu dan tidak boleh di bilas menggunakan pelembut atau 'softener'. Ia boleh membuatkan insert/cd tersebut kurang daya penyerapan.
  2. Tidak boleh menggunakan seterika pada cd anda.
  3. Sekiranya cd terkena najis, bilas kotoran dalam mangkuk tandas. Keluarkan 'insert' dan kemudian cucilah seperti biasa.
  4. Bagi menjamin cd anda tahan lebih lama, masukkan dan basuhkan cd  menggunakan 'laundry bag' sebelum ia dimasukkan ke dalam mesin basuh.
  5. Seandainya terdapat kotoran degil pada 'insert', cuba petua menggunakan asam limau atau cuka untuk menghilangkan kotoran tersebut. AWAS! Jangan menggunakn Clorox atau peluntur. Bilas dengan air bersih secukupnya.
  6. Selepas di gunakan beberapa bulan dan merasai ia kurang penyerapan, perlulah melakukan 'strip diaper' iaitu satu kaedah untuk menghilangkan sebarang lapisan kalis air yang terbentuk akibat mendapan sabun pencuci (residue) yang meleka.


  1. Masukkan 1/2 cawan cuka makan ke dalam 1/2 baldi air.
  2. Rendamkan 'insert' dan lampin selama 10-15 minit.
  3. Bilas dan keringkan. Hasilnya, anda akan mendapati lampin cd dan 'insert' akan lebih ringan.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Types of Diapers

Here are some of the cloth diaper options on the market.

  • All-in-Ones. These are basically cloth versions of disposable diapers. They come in once piece and require no inserts or outer coverings; they're already built in. You can also get wool versions of these that have a softer cover layer. These diapers are great for busy parents, but you may have cleaning problems because you have to wash them as one piece.
  • All-in-Twos. These are just like all-in-ones except the absorbent layer is an extra piece that fits in the diaper. They are almost as convenient, but it's easier to clean the inserts.
  • Fitted Diapers. These look a lot like plastic diapers because they are fitted at the edges to prevent leaks. Unlike all in ones, they do require a diaper cover. You can also get contour diapers that are shaped to fit the baby, but not elasticized to fit tight.
  • Flat and Prefold Diapers. These are basically old fashioned diapers. Many have been made more convenient using snaps instead of pins, but they still require folding and aren't fitted. Prefold diapers provide extra layers of fabric for better absorption. While these may seem archaic, they're the cheapest option for cloth diapering.
  • Pocket Diapers. These diapers are similar to two-in-ones because you can add your own inserts, but instead of sitting in the diaper, the inserts are put into a special pocket. This is great if you need varying levels of protections and absorbency. Another great feature is that you can use almost any naturally absorbent material to put in the pocket, including old flat and prefold diapers.
  • One-size Diapers. While most diapers need to be replaced as your child grows, one-size are exactly as they sound: one size fits all. This means you can not only use the same diapers from infancy up, but you can also use the same diapers for your older and younger kids and avoid tedious diaper sorting.
This way you can find quality, environmentally friendly diapers that fit into your life.

source: babe house

Facts You Should Know

We love our child, But do we care about their future?

Did you know that disposable diapers are not readily biodegradable? It takes about 200-500 years to decompose. How about million of trees and tons of plastic used to manufacture the disposable diapers? Malaysians alone produce up to 19,000 tones of waste everyday. 95% of that will eventually end up in the landfills. If all the garbage produced in a year were collected, it would be enough to reach 36 times the height of the Petronas Tower.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Apa itu pakaian 'bundle'?

Pakaian bundle boleh dikatakan agak popular di Malaysia. Kedai-kedai bundle tumbuh bagai cendawan kerana harganya yang menarik serta kualiti yang bagus (walaupun terpakai).

‘Pakaian bundle’ is actually a mixed Malay & English word. Pakaian means clothing while the English word bundle refers to the ’squarish’ bales of packed clothing in which the clothes come in (from suppliers).

Kebanyakkan pakaian bundle ini diimport dari negara seperti Jepun, US dan Canada. Adakalanya pakaian-pakaian baru yang ditolak dari kilang juga termasuk dalam kategori ini.

Clothing that has been discarded from the households of these countries are processed (usually to segregate types), packed (in bales) and then shipped all over the world.

Selalunya pakaian bundle didatangkan dalam kuantiti yang besar. Pakaian-pakaian ini selalunya akan dibersihkan dan dipastikan elok dan bebas dari penyakit. Ia boleh terdiri dari pelbagai jenis dan jenama. Bukan sahaja pakaian, ia boleh terdiri dari kasut, pakaian dalam, cadar, selimut, jaket, topi dan sebagainya.

Each ‘bundle’ of clothing typically weighs around 100kgs. The clothing in a bale are compacted using hydraulic machines and then binded together using steel wires or webbings.

In Malaysia, a bale of used clothing can costs anything from RM500/ 100kg bale to RM1,500/100kg bale, depending on the quality and grade of the items packed inside. Some items have been graded prior to packing and this will cost more. The higher the grade, the better the quality in terms of no tears, broken zippers and overly abused items.

Walaupun baju bundle ini merupakan pakaian terpakai namun popularitinya semakin meningkat kerana keyakinan pengguna kepada kualitinya - berdasarkan harga yang dinyatakan. Apatah lagi ia merupakan pakaian import dan jelas sekali ia merupakan pakaian yang jarang terdapat di keluaran tempatan.

Technically, baju bundle does NOT include locally discarded used clothing. Though there is a start in the trend of selling locally discarded clothing locally, I would say that the response is still very much unpopular. Buying used local clothing just isn’t cool. One has to get the real ‘bundle’.

Kini, pakaian bundle bukan sahaja merangkumi pakaian dewasa malah kanak-kanak. Secara umumnya, pakaian kanak-kanak berjenama di pasaran adalah mahal - malah lebih mahal dari pakaian dewasa sedangkan pemakaiannya hanyalah untuk satu jangkamasa kanak-kanak itu membesar.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Testimonial - Kepenggunaan Baby Cloth Diapers

Zikri - 2 tahun lebih, anak kedua saya menggayakan baby cloth diapers - berwatak spongebob. Tampak selesa dan bergaya .. :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Video Tutorial: Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diapers pada masa kini terdapat dalam pelbagai jenis, apatah lagi corak. Ia juga didatangkan dalam pelbagai jenama, semada jenama antarabangsa mahupun generik tempatan. Dari segi kualiti, setiap jenis dan jenama mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing namun dari segi matlamat penggunaannya adalah sama, iaitu untuk penjimatan jangkamasa panjang, mesra alam dan sihat untuk bayi.

Video yang akan anda saksikan ini berdurasi hampir 7 minit ini adalah dalam dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan bertajuk “What Do I Need to Cloth Diaper”. Kualitinya video agak baik dan mudah untuk difahami. Anda akan mengetahui secara am mengenai:
  • Apa yang diperlukan untuk Cloth Diapering? – Prefold, Diaper Cover & Snappi/pin!
  • Jenis-jenis Prefold - Bleached & Unbleached
  • Penggunaan Diaper Pail
  • Penggunaan Cloth Wipes – Tidak perlu menggunakan disposable baby wipes!
  • Jenama-jenama Diaper Covers yang pelbagai
  • Penggunaan Snappi – Tidak perlu menggunakan pin untuk menyematkan Cloth Diapers!
  • Penggunaan Inserts untuk Cloth Diaper waktu malam
  • Apa itu Fitted Diaper?

Mari bertukar menggunakan lampin pakai buang kepada yang lebih baik untuk alam sekitar dan masa depan anak kita ..... dan yang paling penting, anda mampu berjimat!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lampin CD Lebih Jimat

Biasanya seorang bayi akan menggunakan lampin sehingga berumur 2 tahun ke 2 tahun setengah. Jadi mereka akan menggunakan kira-kira

2 x 12 x 30 = 720 hari @ 2.5 x 12 x 30 = 900 hari

Katakanlah setiap helai kain lampin pakai buang berharga RM0.45 dan seorang bayi memakai 5 helai lampin sehari semalam. Jadi;

720 x 0.45 x 5 = RM 1620 @ 900 x 0.45 x 5 = RM 2025

Manakala lampin pakai buang yang kami tawarkan hanya RM 35.00 – RM 45.00 (contoh) jadi katakanlah seorang bayi memakai 5 helai lampin pakai buang sehari jadi

RM 35.00 x 10 helai ( andaikan sehari pakai dan dibasuh keesokannya) = RM 350.00 seumur hidup bayi ( dan boleh dipakai untuk adiknya ) @ RM 45.00 x 10 helai = RM 450.00

JADI ANDA JIMAT ; RM 1270.00 HINGGA RM 1675.00 !!!

Apa agaknya yang dapat anda beli dengan wang sebanyak itu?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash (U.S.) or nappy rash (UK), (also known as "Diaper dermatitis" and "Napkin dermatitis") is a generic term applied to skin rashes in the diaper area that are caused by various skin disorders and/or irritants.

Generic rash or irritant diaper dermatitis (IDD) is characterized by joined patches of erythema and scaling mainly seen on the convex surfaces, with the skin folds spared.

Diaper dermatitis with secondary bacterial or fungal involvement tends to spread to concave surfaces (i.e. skin folds), as well as convex surfaces, and often exhibits a central red, beefy erythema with satellite pustules around the border.

It is usually considered a form of irritant contact dermatitis. Despite the word "diaper" in the name, the dermatitis is not due to the diaper itself, but to the materials trapped by the diaper (usually feces.) Allergic contact dermatitis has also been suggested, but there is little evidence for this etiology.

The term diaper candidiasis is used when a fungal origin is identified. The distinction is critical, because the treatment (antifungals) is completely different.

What is PUL?

Polyurethane laminate (PUL) is generally a polyester interlock knit fabric that has been laminated to a thin film of polyurethane. This laminated fabric is useful as a wind and/or water barrier in the construction of fluid-splash protecting garments, shower curtains, outerwear clothing, cloth nappies / diapers and cloth menstrual pads. It is very thin and breathable. It can be machine-washed and dried.

Polyurethane laminate was first developed for hospital equipment, where reusable waterproof fabrics were needed.

Source: Wikipedia

Why using Cloth Diapers?

An average child will go through several thousand diapers in his life. Since disposable diapers are discarded after a single use, usage of disposable diapers increases the burden on landfill sites, and increased environmental awareness has led to a growth in campaigns for parents to use reusable alternatives such as cloth or hybrid diapers.[citation needed] An estimated 27.4 billion disposable diapers are used each year in the US, resulting in a possible 3.4 million tons of used diapers adding to landfills each year.It is possible, however, to buy disposable diapers with a low environmental impact.

The environmental impact of cloth as compared to disposable diapers has been studied several times. In one cradle-to-grave study sponsored by the National Association of Diaper Services (NADS) and conducted by Carl Lehrburger and colleagues, results found that disposable diapers produce seven times more solid waste when discarded and three times more waste in the manufacturing process. In addition, effluents from the plastic, pulp, and paper industries are far more hazardous than those from the cotton-growing and -manufacturing processes. Single-use diapers consume less water than reusables laundered at home, but more than those sent to a commercial diaper service. Washing cloth diapers at home uses 50 to 70 gallons of water every three days, which is roughly equivalent to flushing the toilet five times a day, unless the user has a high-efficiency washing machine. An average diaper service puts its diapers through an average of 13 water changes, but uses less water and energy per diaper than one laundry load at home.

In October 2008, "An updated lifecycle assessment study for disposable and reusable nappies" by the UK Environment Agency and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs stated that reusable diapers can cause significantly less (up to 40 per cent) or significantly more damage to the environment than disposable ones, depending mostly on how parents wash and dry them. The "baseline scenario" showed that the difference in green-house emissions was insignificant (in fact, disposables even scored slightly better). However, much better results (emission cuts of up to 40 per cent) could be achieved by using reusable diapers more rationally. "The report shows that, in contrast to the use of disposable nappies, it is consumers’ behaviour after purchase that determines most of the impacts from reusable nappies. Cloth nappy users can reduce their environmental impacts by:

  1. Line drying outside whenever possible.

  2. Tumble drying as little as possible.

  3. When replacing appliances, choosing more energy efficient appliances (A+ rated machines [according to the EU environmental rating] are preferred).

  4. Not washing above 60°C [140°F].

  5. Washing fuller loads.

  6. Reusing nappies on other children."

There are variations in the care of cloth diapers that can account for different measures of environmental impact. For example, using a cloth diaper laundering service involves additional pollution from the vehicle that picks up and drops off deliveries. Yet such a service uses less water per diaper in the laundering process.[19] Some people who launder cloth diapers at home wash each load twice, considering the first wash a "prewash", and thus doubling the energy and water usage from laundering. Cloth diapers are most commonly made of cotton, which is generally considered an environmentally wasteful crop to grow. "Conventional cotton is one of the most chemically-dependent crops, sucking up 10% of all agricultural chemicals and 25% of insecticides on 3% of our arable land; that's more than any other crop per unit." This effect can be mitigated by using other materials, such as bamboo and hemp.

Another factor in reusable cloth diaper impact is the ability to re-use the diapers for subsequent children, sale of used diapers through, craigslist or other online communities, donation of used diapers through recycling groups such as freecycle or to charities such as . Many reusable diaper users take advantage of these resources and may even join communities like livejournal's clothdiapering in order to find ways to make their diaper-washing routine more efficient or get feedback about different types of reusable diapers. These factors can alleviate the environmental and financial impact from manufacture, sale and use of brand-new reusable diapers.

source: wikipedia

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Velcro is a brand name of fabric hook-and-loop fasteners. It consists of two layers: a "hook" side, which is a piece of fabric covered with tiny hooks, and a "loop" side, which is covered with even smaller and "hairier" loops. When the two sides are pressed together, the hooks catch in the loops and hold the pieces together. When the layers are separated, the strips make a characteristic "ripping" sound.

Velcro hook and loop fasteners can be made of many things—the first sample was made of cotton, which proved to be impractical. Nylon and polyester are the fibres most commonly used now. Velcro fasteners made of Teflon loops, polyester hooks, and glass backing are used on space shuttles.

There are variations on the standard Velcro hook and loop fasteners: one of which, for example, includes hooks on both sides. However these are not common. Some alternatives to Velcro brand fasteners are buttons, zippers, laces and buckles.

George de Mestral named his invention "Velcro", which is a portmanteau of the two French words velours and crochet, or 'hook'. The term Velcro is a registered trademark in most countries. Generic terminology for these fasteners includes "hook and loop", "burr" and "touch" fasteners. However the Velcro brand is an example of a genericized trademark as its brand name has become the generic term. The Velcro company headquarters is in Manchester, New Hampshire, USA.

What is Cloth Diapers?

Cloth diapers are reusable and can be made from natural fibers, manmade materials, or a combination of both. They are often made from industrial cotton which may be bleached white or left the fiber’s natural color. Other natural fiber cloth materials include wool, bamboo, and unbleached hemp. Manmade materials such as an internal absorbent layer of microfiber toweling or an external waterproof layer of polyurethane laminate (PUL) may be used. Polyester fleece and faux suedecloth are often used inside cloth diapers as a "stay-dry" wicking liner because of the non-absorbent properties of those synthetic fibers.

Traditionally, cloth diapers consisted of a folded square or rectangle of cloth, fastened with safety pins. Modern cloth diapers come in a host of shapes, including preformed cloth diapers, all-in-one diapers with waterproof exteriors,fitted diaper with covers and pocket or "stuffable" diapers, which consist of a water-resistant outer shell sewn with an opening for insertion of absorbent material inserts. Closure methods include snap closures and hook and loop fasteners (such as Velcro).

Cloth diapers require dry storage as well, and equipment and supplies for cleaning. Cloth diapers place less stress on landfills as compared to single-use disposable diapers, but also require washing in water with detergent to be properly cleaned. The method of "dry-pailing" after removal of solid waste and washing on a cold or warm wash removes most bacteria. Sun exposure will kill any remainder and usually resolves any staining issues. As an alternative to at-home cleaning, some locations have a fee-based cloth diapering service that delivers clean diapers and picks up soiled ones, while parents in more rural areas often find that they must clean diapers using their own cleaning facilities.

Some brands seek to combine cloth and disposable diapers. Generally, these hybrids are cloth diapers with a disposable inner layer.

source: wikipedia